Wow I’m so behind!

First an apology. I normally post my fused glass blogs Wednesday and Saturday mornings albeit, I have been so busy – see below and I haven’t finished my Fresh From the Kiln Blog for Wed. Mainly because my Fresh From The Kiln glass dish is in the kiln, so my Wed blog will be my Saturday Blog but it will be posted on Sunday.   My Saturday blog, which is this blog, is really for my Wed blog but will be posted tonight. Oh did I mentioned that I scheduled my original Wed blog to automatically post even though it wasn’t finished i.e., the picture. As I mentioned it will be finished tomorrow and I’ll update the post with the picture.

So what have I been busy doing you may ask?

This is just a couple of the things I’ve been up to!

I’ve been making custom fused glass pieces and I must say they were beautiful. What do you think?

Custom Fused Glass Mantel Sconce
Custom Fused Glass Mantel Sconce


Custom fused glass Doggy pendant / brooches
Custom fused glass Doggy pendant / brooches














I’ve been getting ready for 4 shows: * I’ll send out a special event for the ones in April.

– Toast of Colorado is in Lone Tree (my first time out of Colorado Springs) the 27-29th of March it’s in the afternoon/evening – Since it’s wine focused I’ve made several fused glass new wine stoppers and bottle related artwork. BTW – Bottles take a little extra time, space, and work – especially with my small kiln!


Recycled Bottle Night light
Recycled Bottle Night light
Recycle Bottle with dragon flies
Fused Glass Wine Stopper
Fused Glass Wine Stopper














– 7th Annual Spring Craft Sale – 10 (5-8pm) & 11  (9am – 1pm) April at the Rocky Mountain Calvary Church

– Community Autism Celebration – 12 April (10am-4pm) at the Hotel Elegante  – I will have several fused glass autism pieces.

fused glass autism symbol - can be used as a pendant, bookmark, keychain, etc
fused glass autism symbol – can be used as a pendant, bookmark, keychain, etc












– WOW “Wonderful Opportunities in Woodland Park” 25 April – 10am-3pm. It’s to benefit habitat for humanity.

Also I am part of the Craft Fair Haven booth in the Colorado Springs Flea Market. It’s run my Kat Jones and she has graciously let me display some of my fused glass jewelry and artwork. She is there Saturdays and Sundays when the Flea Market is open.

Colorado Springs Flea Market
Craft Fair Haven Booth









Additionally, Tax season is right around the corner and I have to do my taxes for my business and for my family.

To make matters worse, I’ve had several failures and my saw belt broke! I’ve struggled with fused glass pockets for both frames and vases and of the 3 I created all 3 broke.  Hopefully I’ll get it down and have them to show in April.

So this was not my typical weekly blog but at least you know I wasn’t just goofing off. Oh did I also mention that I work full time i.e. 9 hrs a day.

In case you were wondering, my house and studio are a mess!

I guess I’ve made enough excuses and I need to get back to my taxes.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. If you’d like to see more of my artwork you can access all my stores from my webpage

Keeping my Kiln warm,


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