Two more visits with my Mosaic friend Cathy

Earlier this month I spent a few hours with my friend Cathy. Well, she went home and fused the flowers we made during our “glass date” then made even more. The ones we made are the top row then she made more, on the bottom row.

We had such a wonderful time we decided to go to D&L to buy some glass. Here are a couple of pictures of us buying some glass. The Red piece of glass on the far right was so beautiful both of us got some.

Afterwards we went to Tulips to see Sharon and drop off more glass artwork (I’ll do a post about that later). I just love Tulips and Sharon. Then we had lunch at Poppies right next to Tulips, if you haven’t been there, I highly recommend it, absolutely delicious! Then we went to a friend of Cathy’s, and she picked up some more glass. Here are a couple pieces she made with some of that glass.

Then she took me to Daniels Park, and we saw Bison! Isn’t this crazy – if you look close enough you can see the Denver skyline in the background. I love Bison – it boggles my mind how they tried to kill them all, thank God they didn’t.

Here is a part of Cathy’s studio. It’s funny how much fun it is to go to someone else’s studio.

Last weekend she came back over to my studio again and we talked about Bees, Butterflies, Lady Bugs, and mushrooms. She didn’t stay long but we had a fantastic time. She made the mushrooms on the far right. She did a wonderful job.

We had such a fun time in Denver and then in the studio. What a fabulous time with a very special artist and friend.

If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to check out our newsletter, it is published the last day of each month. If you’d like to take a class, please check out the information on my site about my fused glass classes.

Keeping my Kiln warm,


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