I’ve written about Margo’s Tea Shop (Festivitea) a couple times now, but I just can’t help it. Margo is such a wonderful Lady and FestiviTEA a fabulous shop. This post is about the Sugar Skull workshop I took with my bestie Lela, her mother-in-law, and her son.
The instructor Amanda was great, she told us about Day of the Dead in Mexico and explained the purpose of the celebration, so not only was it a fun class it was informative as well. As you can see, we also had a lot of snacks and some great tea.
These are the 2 skulls I created. It was so fun; we start with the base then we use frosting to add designs. Luckily, she had all kinds of accessories e.g., flowers, sequences, several colors of frosting, feathers, etc. Mine are simple, but I enjoyed the class.
Here are Lela’s they are for her Grandma and Grandpa. You know it’s a very fascinating tradition and celebration. We look at death as a sad time and it is, but it’s also a happy time for those who are in a better place.
There was also another person in class – Carmen. These are Carmen’s skulls, it’s interesting we got to talk a bit to her, and she was saying this is the first time she got out and did something for herself. I think it’s important to get out and do something for yourself, get out of your comfort zone and do something fun.
Marco made the two in the middle. He’s so creative. Gloria’s is the one on the right. She only made 1, but she did a wonderful job. She’s quite fun to be around, 88 and a very special lady.
BTW, Margo put out my fused glass stirrers and tea caddy dishes. These can be used for the stirrers, tea bags, or if you are like me to take the strainer out so your tea doesn’t steep too long and get bitter. Margo took the 2 pictures on the far left and right, I took the one in the middle that night. She already sold quite a few.
As I’ve mentioned in each of my post, FestiviTEA is a lovely shop and I recommend you schedule some time there with your bestie for some tea and scones or take a class. Home | FestiviTea – Celebration in a Cup (festiviteallc.com). The bottom pictures are the things I purchased, the ornaments are made by my good friend Jax, and the tea is the tea Margo served us that night – it was delicious!!
Margo is an amazing person, she supports artists, she has jewelry artists, ceramic artists, fused glass artists, etc. work in her shop and she also has several types of classes. Please check her shop out. We want to have small businesses like Festivitea in Colorado Springs and all over America. BTW I follow Festivitea on Facebook, so I know what events she’s holding, and I saw the below post. I quickly made a comment and two of my friends asked me if it was my glass artwork. It’s so nice when people recognize my glass art.
If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.
Keeping my kilns warm,