I make a lot of fused glass stirrers, letter openers, plant stakes, etc and one of the best ways to display them are in the little vases I make.

They are actually made out of a bottle. I use the top half for mushroom lights and the bottom make perfect vases.

Here are my clear recycled bottle vases. I love the decals and I’m so happy with them. I always run out of these vases with all my glass pieces I put into them. The decals add something special to them, especially the clear vases.

Here are my amber and green recycled bottle vases. I really added some beautiful decals, and my firing schedule was perfect.

Some vases have bumps in the bottom and some don’t. The ones that have bumps are perfect to hold my plant stakes, stirrers, and letter openers. The ones without the bumps are perfect for candles or…

They can also be used for actual vases. You can use the flower foam or flower frogs – both works well. I love the idea of turning an old bottle into something so useful.

Here are some pictures so you can see the different colors and sizes of my fused glass recycled bottles vases. There are just so many uses for these beautiful vases.

If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.