November – Fused Glass Fresh From the Kiln

As I’ve mentioned numerous time, I love to learn different techniques for fused glass. Glass is the best medium in the world because you can do so much with it.

One of the most inventive fused glass teachers I’ve ever met is Tanya Veit. I’ve mentioned her before and eventually, I’d like to dedicate a month to just Tanya techniques. Anyway I could talk about Tanya and her talent for pages and pages, suffice it to say she is a magnificent teacher and artist. Of course the most amazing aspect of Tanya is she shares her talent. She’s taught numerous classes, DVDs, written several articles, etc. In addition to all of that Tanya makes these “Saturday Videos” that free the artistic mind. My mind is constantly going a 1000 ways after watching just one of her videos.

Her most recent videos involves inkblots. Well I did a couple to see how they’d turn out and OMG they are a blast and so cool. I’m just getting started with this technique, but I wanted to show off my first two to see what ya’ll think.

The first one is a little soap dish, with a dark base and an iridized top. out of curiosity what do you see?

my first fused glass ink-blot What do you see?

The second I haven’t slumped yet, but made with bubbles.  I also cut this one out. What do you see?

ink 2
This inc blot has bubbles?









I look forward to hear what ya’ll think. I really like this technique and the possibilities are endless. In fact, I have two more in the kiln.

Keeping my kiln warm,


One Comment

  1. I also love Tanya and her free technique videos which free and stimulate my mind too–like you, I instantly think of twists and tweaks as she teaches and I have very limited fusing experience. She makes me hungry to spend time in my studio…and you are making me even hungrier as I see your twist to her technique…makes me want to get in there and start experimenting myself…. In the meantime, I love your interpretations of the inkblot method…

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