In my last fused glass blog I wrote about how great the ladies were in my class with Bob Leatherbarrow (including Liesbeth). For this blog I wanted to talk about Bob and the glass itself. As I mentioned before, I will not provide any secrets. Bob teaches and will be writing some ebooks (starting in Nov covering these topics).
First, I want to talk about the class content. We learned three different wafer techniques. As I’ve mentioned I have done wafer techniques in other classes but I loved how Bob gave specifics and little tips on how to make them more interesting. The other aspect that Bob taught us is that wafers can be trimmed either by a band saw or by using a grinder. I was shocked at how strong these wafers were. If one opens up their mine the possibilities are truly endless! As you can see I have a little clean up work to do but I’m pretty happy with them. BTW these came all the way from Canada and didn’t get destroyed!!

In addition, to wafers we learned three different techniques for crackle glass. I loved how Bob really focused on how to make the crackles perfect and how they can be expanded. We made 5 little bowls and 1 plate. I love how organic and elegant they are. We also incorporated the wafers into our crackle pieces. I’m looking forward to creating some at home, with the techniques he taught us.

Beyond creating the crackle pieces Bob taught us how to finish (coldwork) our glass pieces properly. We used a sandblaster, flatlap, a normal grinder, and a wetbelt sander.
Additionally, Bob covered various other topics to include: blending powders, viscosity of glass, displays, Kiln repair, firing schedules, photography, mold making, how / when to look in the kiln, and so much more.
Bob is a giving teacher, he was very patient, and he was funny as all get out. I was expecting him to be pretty straight laced, but definitely not. I really enjoyed his manner of teaching and his unique sense of humor!
I also liked how he had artwork from other glass artists. So many times artists want to just create and don’t bother actually buying artwork, Bob practices what he teaches and has his artwork sitting right next to other artists. He’s also extremely complementary of other glass artists, which was very nice to see and hear. Plus I must say I loved looking at his glass art, absolutely magnificent!! So much so that I bought one. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of it the entire class so – I bought it.

I enjoyed Bob, Liesbeth, the Islands, and the ladies so much I am hoping to take another class with Bob in BC again next year.
Needless to say I’m waiting patiently for his books!
I love taking classes! My next one will be in September at Bullseye in Portland!!
To see more of my fused glass work or more of my reviews please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen.
If you get a chance, check out all my sites, Fused Elegance, Elegant Fused Glass by Karen, Etsy, and Artfire.
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Keeping my Kiln warm,