There is so much going on with this fused glass bowl I can’t believe it. I’m not sure if you can tell just how stunning this piece is. It’s got silver, pebbles and reaction. Plus it’s a beautiful shade of emerald green. Not to mention I draped it over a mold of my own making. What a fun piece and it’s my May’s Fresh From the kiln.
If you get a chance, check out all Elegant Fused Glass by Karen., Fused Glass by Karen, My Etsy store, my Art fire Store, my Pinterest, and my YouTube Channel.
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Keeping my Kiln warm,
I have a gillion pieces left over from my stain glass days and want to use them for fusing, if possible.
If I understand you, I have a 10″ piece of art glass which I can put into a mold and fuse it.
The only thing I can put on this glass is another piece of this same piece of art glass. Correct?
Not small pieces of unknown art glass. Definitely not Spectrum or Bulls Eye.
Harriet Bailey
Yes, glass can fuse to itself. However, for the most part nonfusible glass doesn’t fire the same as fusible. It can look hazy and not shiny. Sometimes it changes color and looks ugly. If you like I can send you a couple of pictures of what some stained glass I’ve fused looks like. Something you may want to consider is using your glass for mosaics. I’m no expert but I like mosaics. On my site search mosaic and you can see some examples. I hope this helps. Karen