In my last couple of blogs I have been talking about Tonya’s channel class. Well there is something else I want to talk about regarding this class. Tonya gave away 3 pieces of her fused glass artwork. I’ve never seen that before and I think it’s so very cool. I was the first person to win, and I won her snowman!! BTW I never win anything so this was pretty cool for me. Thank you Tanya I love it!
Also I wanted to say we also did accessory glass. We pulled vitrigraph and we created murine, puddles, wafers, and stringer. I really enjoyed creating all of these accessory glasses and we included them in our pieces.
So if you look closely at the bird piece I included the puddles, stringer, and vitrigraph. On my bear I included wafers, frit, vitrigraph, and sheet glass.
Again, loved this class, so much fun!!
If you would like to see more of my fused glass work please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my sites, Fused Glass by Karen, My Etsy store, my Art fire Store, my Pinterest, and Elegant Fused Glass by Karen youtube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.
Keeping my Kiln warm,