First full disclosure, I’ve “talked” to Mark Hufford (Fused Glass Artist / Painter) many times via Facebook, email, and messaging. In fact, I begged him to teach here in Colorado and I’m ecstatic that he will be teaching in Denver next year (yes, that’s how booked he is)!! Obviously, I’ll be taking that class!! I consider us friends and I respect his talent immensely. I hesitate to write this review because I wouldn’t want you to think I don’t love them, because I do! (BTW, Mark is who recommended I take a class from Shelley).
This review is about Mark’s fused glass download tutorials (I have 4 downloads) . The first download I bought is the “Floating Maple Leaves”. And I just love it, not only does he have step by step PDF instructions, there are video clips showing the main steps. He also has the firing schedules, paints used, frits used, etc. Great instructions and videos! I highly recommend it, even if you don’t think you can paint.
The second download I bought was the fused glass stone tutorials, I loved this one too for the exact same reason, both downloads had videos and PDFs. Great instructions, especially for a visual learner like me. In fact, I like to watch the videos then go through and read the pdfs. It helps me fully grasp the concepts especially the movement of the paint brush, etc.
I also bought the fused glass tutorial downloads: Leopard frog pond and Monarch Butterfly. Completely my fault but I was expecting the same setup i.e., videos and PDFs. On the description it clearly says PDFs, but I was so excited I skimmed over that part! Even though there are not videos (except a video on the frog download explaining how to use Concentrates [it threw me off a bit because it’s for the leaves not the frog]), the PDF instructions are wonderful and Mark includes patterns as well.
So the question, would I buy the downloads knowing there weren’t videos included? Unequivocally YES! Whether, Mark’s tutorials are via video or pdf they are all worth buying.
BTW I also bought Mark’s Fused Glass River Rock DVD. This can also be downloaded, but I didn’t know it at the time. I like the downloads because you can watch them on your Ipad.
I really love Mark’s videos and I’m looking forward to making these projects within the next few months to be ready for my fused glass shows in Oct, Nov, and Dec.
If you would like to see more of my fused glass work please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen.If you get a chance, check out all my sites, Fused Elegance, Elegant Fused Glass by Karen, Etsy, and Artfire.If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about glass and jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.