Happy Thanksgiving – More Fused glass from class

Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. We as Americans have so many things to be grateful. During this time of turmoil it’s even more important to remember all of the things and people we are thankful for. God has truly blessed us with this wonderful country.

I have so so many people I’m thankful for including my beautiful daughter, my handsome son, my talented daughter in-law, my amazing husband, my mom / sisters / brothers, my fabulous friends, and my supportive customers.

I’m also extremely thankful for my day job that makes it possible for me to follow my passions in my fused glass.

Speaking of glass, as I mentioned in a previous blog I recently took a glass with Patty Gray. Here are a couple more pictures of some fused glass projects.

My poppies, I really liked the depth of this piece. * I also included some of my vitrigraph in with the poppies. My bas relief (also known as kiln carving). I also got to make a pretty snowflake. I also made little skulls but I didn’t put enough glass in so they didn’t turn out quite right.








Lastly I got to use a cylinder mold which I can cut up and use as so many things including pendants, key chains, door knobs, or I can add them to plates and bowls. It will be fun trying to figure out what I’ll do with them.





Again, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

Keeping my kiln warm,

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