Fused Glass Winners – Rocky Mountain Calvary, Autism Event, & WOW events!

For those who follow my Fused Glass blog and receive my Elegant Fused Glass Newsletter know that I participated in the Rocky Mountain Calvary  event and the Autism Event this past weekend. Both were small events but I had a great time and met some wonderful people.

Thank you to all of those who visited my site. As always I conducted a drawing for $25 of free fused glass from any of my sites: Elegant Fused Glass by Karen, Fused Elegance Glass Jewelry, Etsy, and Artfire. So I’m sure you are all wondering who won?

For the Rocky Mountain Calvary Event – the Winner is Peggy B.
Congratulations Peggy!

For the Autism Awareness Event – the Winner is Shari M.

Congratulations Shari!

For the WOW event in Woodland Park – the Winner is Lourdez O.

Congratulations Lourdez!

You three WON our Fused Elegance/Elegant Fused Glass Drawing from the respective events.
Feel free to look over any/all of my sites, Fused Glass by Karen, My Etsy store, my Art fire Store,  and my YouTube Channel and chose up-to $25 of Fused Glass then email me with your fused glass item(s).

If you saw a Fused Glass item at the Event that’s not on my site please let me know. Also if there was a more expensive fused glass piece that you like you can take the $25 off that instead.

Let me know if you have any questions. BTW this will information was also Emailed to Peggy, Shari, & Lourdez letting them know they won.

I will keep ya’ll informed of my next show. Hopefully sometime in May.

Keeping my Kiln Warm,


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