Fused Glass Ornament Class – October

This month I had a Fused Glass Ornament Class. As always I have my liability forms out as well as free gifts for the students. They had the choice of Fused Glass Ghost plant stakes or Halloween Pendants.

As as always I have supplies out for the students including dots, vitrigraph, murrini, millifore, and so much more. I also had some specific examples out if they want to make them (bottom row).

Every class I conduct I have my gallery set up which means it’s like a home show during each show. Here are some pictures of my fused glass artwork gallery. Another great thing about having my gallery up is inspiration. Students can look at the things I’ve created for ideas of what they want to make.

I also show them my inspiration room which is also my “finishing room” where I finish my projects.

I also show them my finished room, which is more fused glass artwork they can use as inspiration or to purchase.

Here are pictures of Brenda using different hand tools, the grinder, creating her pieces and putting them in the kiln. BTW one of the things I did for this class is to allow them to create a small dish made with my spirit glass. It’s just such beautiful glass and I wanted to share it with my students. You can see Brenda made 2 snow globes and her little fused glass dish.

Here is Glenda using the hand tools, grinding, and creating her pieces. She made quite a few and her sister helped Glenda put her pieces in the kiln. Glenda made 6 “ornaments” and of course her free spirit fused glass dish. She didn’t want me to glue the findings on the pieces. She’s going to finish them on her own.

Caren had to get home so she only made 2 fused glass ornaments. Caren is quite a painter so she hand painted the house. She did an amazing job, Love them both!

Jax is my good friend and quite an amazing artist – there is nothing Jax can’t make. Her spirit dish was quite unique and then she made an abstract fused glass piece and framed it (bottom row), so beautiful. She liked the spirit glass so much she asked to make one of my coral pieces. Everyone liked it so much they want me to teach the coral class, so I think I will teach it – so more to come.

More pictures of my talented students. We had a great time. Matter of fact Caren, Jax, and Merle scheduled another class!

As always I made a couple of fused glass pieces as well. A little reindeer and dish, aren’t they fabulous!

Please let me know (elegantfusedglass@gmail.com) if you have any questions or would like to have a private fused glass class all you need is 3 people to create a class (maximum of 5).

If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to check out our newsletter. If you’d like to take a class, please check out the information on my site about my classes.  It is published the last day of each month.

Keeping my kilns warm,


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