Fused Glass on Salt Springs Island

So my class with Bob and Liesbeth Leatherbarrow is over and my time on Salt Springs Island has ended, such a sad time. I enjoyed Bob’s class and trip for so many reasons; obviously the fused glass, but also I got to spend time with one of my good friends, Melinda. She’s not only a wonderful artist but a kind, talented, and beautiful person!  I so enjoy being around other fused glass artists I learn so much from them and this class was no exception. I’m not a fan of orange but the other artists in this class did some beautiful pieces in Orange, so you might see an orange piece one of these days!


our class











I’m sure you are all wondering why I don’t show the process or the other artists pieces. I don’t because I don’t feel it is right to document or share a teacher’s  process or another artists work.  I never show the process, however if you want to learn this process I recommend Bob’s e-books!


I wanted to talk about some of the other aspects of my trip to Salt Springs Island.

During our class it rained every day, but it didn’t matter because Salt Springs Island is so beautiful and the rain added to it’s splendor. However, on the 2nd to the last day, we lost power for almost the entire day! But Bob is a professional and didn’t skip a beat! He went over each technique to ensure we understood them then showed us how he did his fused glass freeze and fuse shells, drops, deep vessels, and two crackle techniques that will knock your socks off. Matter of fact in my notes I wrote my favorite bowl! I can’t wait to make this bowl! Needless to say we were all very happy with the no power day! The only draw back is we didn’t slump our fused glass pieces, of course Bob showed us how to do slump them so no biggy I just slumped them when I got home.

I also don’t want to neglect Liesbeth.  I’ve blogged about how great a cook Liesbeth is on my last class with Bob  – we had the best lunches you can imagine including dessert and salad with every meal. I don’t know which I looked forward to the most each day glass or lunch! That being said, the day we lost power I assumed we would have cold sandwiches, but again Liesbeth is amazing and needless to say we had an outstanding lunch, including warm sausage rolls. Liesbeth is a fabulously strong, talented, and independent woman; it was such a great opportunity to meet and spend time with her as well as Bob!







I’ve discussed so many wonderful aspects to Salt Springs Island and I found another one on my last day on island, Morningside organic bakery & cafe, it’s a little organic bakery that serves the best carrot cake and chai I’ve ever had. Whatever you do make sure you eat your cake at the cafe, She puts their homegrown pea sprouts on top along with cinnamon and fresh blueberries! I don’t even care for carrot cake, but this cake is different, it’s totally superb! The chai had so many flavors it was just unreal and it also had a bite to it, so very good!  In addition to the fabulous food, the conversation with Alan was wonderful as well.

To say the least I just love Salt Springs Island and all the friendly people and the stunning scenery. Melinda took this picture but I had to show it because it’s so pretty and such a big part of Salt Springs Island.

photo by Melinda!










Bob is a amazing teacher and didn’t hold back anything and gave us so so much. I can’t wait for his 2nd e-book — coming out in mid May.

When I got home I was so excited that I took the fused glass pebble technique and wafer technique and combined them. the wafer seems a little wiped out so I’m going to add a little something more.  I love these techniques!

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the middle one is my new one that I made at home!!










If you would like me to make a fuse glass crackle piece specifically for you let me know!!

If you would like to see more of my fused glass work please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen.

If you get a chance, check out all my sites, Fused Glass by Karen, My Etsy store, my Art fire Store, my Pinterest, and Elegant Fused Glass by Karen youtube.

If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.

Keeping my kiln warm,

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