Cast-A-Cab Melt Mold
As I mentioned in my January’s Newsletter, I have countless molds, they are like an addiction for fused glass artists. In January I made a doggy bowl with two molds. For February I’m using different type of mold, it’s call Cast-A-Cab and it’s purpose is create cabochons from using the pot melt concept. (* I’ll do another blog on pot melts and screen melts another time.) The top part of the Cast-A-Cab Melt Mold is a mini pot melt mold where you put glass in then place the pot melt mold over the casting mold (sprayed with mold separator) and then take it up to approx 1660 degrees and the glass melts through the pot melt mold into the casting mold. *One thing I like about the melt mold is you can put 2 totally different color schemes in because the molds are separate and don’t intermix. After the glass cools they just popped out and the result is fused glass pendants. They are pretty big pendants so instead of adding to the size by affixing a bail I drilled a holes into each pendant. I can also make longer cords so they will land where-ever you would like (for more information about lengths of necklaces checkout my May 2014 newsletter in the did you know section). Plus if since I have cold working equipment (DYK) I cut them down to any size or change them from a pendant to a door knob, key chain, magnet, or pretty much anything else!
Here are just a few I’ve made: Circles (2″ diameter), Square (1 3/4 inches with a small hole), Hearts (2 x 2 1/4 inches – since I put the holes in I can change the size &/or Location *in one of the hearts I fused in a CZ -it’s light purple), Shield (3/4″ x 1 1/4″ ) now this is not the shape of the mold it was a tear but i didn’t fill the melt section enough so I cut it down to what looked best. Additionally, by changing the color of glass used in the melt mold the colors of the pendants can change! I like the pot melt effect because it reminds me of the 70’s and the Psychedelic years and colors all swirled together!
*I must say the colors didn’t turn out well in the pictures*

If you’d like to see more of my fused glass artwork please check out my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. Or if you would like to purchase one of these beautiful fused glass pendants, please email me at elegantfusedglass@gmail.com
Keeping my Kiln warm,