My good friend Tracy and her friend Geri came over for an impromptu Fused Glass Christmas Tree Class. We had a good time.

They used vitrigraph, dots, and did a fabulous job. We made several and they gave me some recommendations for additional color of trees. The first one is before they are fired and the rest of them are after they are fused. I think they turned out really well.

I also did some vitrigraph but it finished before they got there. I was expecting it to take 5 hrs and it only took 4. It turned out well, but it wasn’t a big batch.

If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.
Keeping my kilns warm,