Earlier this week I blogged about my channel class with Tonya Nelson. I really enjoyed this class. First as I mentioned I love this technique, second Tonya is a great instructor, and I made some new glass friends. Here is a funny picture of Tonya and me.
As I mentioned this was Tonya’s first official class teaching this technique and she did a great job; she explained, she demonstrated, she assisted, and she had several fantastic examples. After practicing a bit, we did 4 projects. The first one was so fun, it was a monster. Tonya actually drew all of them and let us chose which one we wanted to do. I like my little monster, she’s so cute. What I loved about doing the monster first is it let us do a project without worrying that we were going to screw it up.
Our 2nd project was any animal we wanted to do. Since I just visited the wolf sanctuary I thought I’d do a wolf. Since this is made with glass and you are limited with colors. With this said I think it’s pretty.
Our 3rd project was a bear. Tonya had a “Colorado bear”, I loved it so much so I asked Tonya if I could make one and she was gracious enough to say yes. I’m so proud of it. She also said we could make more and sell them. I do think I need to add a bit more blue to the bear but I love it.
Our 4th project was a bird. I went a little crazy with this one. I still like it. I think I’ll make an eagle next time. This isn’t the best picture but I’m so proud of my pieces.
I’m so glad I took this class. So much fun!! Thanks Tonya for reminding me what a wonderful technique this is.
If you would like to see more of my fused glass work please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my sites, Fused Glass by Karen, My Etsy store, my Art fire Store, my Pinterest, and Elegant Fused Glass by Karen youtube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.
Keeping my Kiln warm,