I read a book recently and I liked it so much that I bought it and even bought the audio book. It’s called “Unleash Power Female Brain” by Dr. Amen.
It is a fabulous book and has so many amazing aspects, but the section I really connected with is what’s called ANTS which stands for Automatic Negative Thoughts. ANTS are the negative voices in our heads tell us we aren’t good enough or that people don’t like us for this reason or that. I don’t know about you but I have ANTS everyday and to help me remember these thoughts are ANTS and that they can be identified and controlled like Dr. Amen explains.
So now I’m sure you are thinking ok Karen what does this have to do with fused glass. Well triggers can help us remember and give us something to focus on. That’s why I created fused glass ANT to remind me about ANTs and not to let these Automatic Negative Thoughts get to me. So for my office I created an ANT it’s the purple and red one on the left. Then I made pendant (that can be made into a bookmark, keychain, zipper pull or anything else I want to make with it), a stick pin, and a snap (more on that later) all with ANT decals on them.
If you get a chance read the book by Dr. Amen. It was really enlightening.
So let me know what you think of my Fused Glass ANTs and don’t let the ANTs get you down.
Don’t forget to visit me at the Briarfest 6-7 September, see my August newsletter for specifics!
Keeping my Kiln Warm,