My good friend Marilyn asked me if I could make her a fused glass sign for her office. She wanted it to say, “The Ovary Office”! I think it looks fabulous! I added lots of vitrigraph, millefiori, and murine. I love it, I hope she likes it too.

I love using screen printing on the glass with the garden theme. I’m so happy with it.

Here are a few pictures of me preparing the sign. The one on the left is when I just started the screen printing. I think I’ve mentioned I make my own signs. The middle one picture after I screen-printed. I didn’t like all the white space at the top so you can see in the 3rd picture I added more flowers, birds, and vitrigraph.

Here is Marilyn showing where she plans on hanging the custom fused glass sign. She really liked it, which of course makes me so very happy.

I liked it so much I made an extra blank sign. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with the blank. Keep it or make it for someone else. If you have an idea let me know.

If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about jewelry, check out our newsletter. It is published the last day of each month.
Keeping my kilns warm,