Busy fused glass month






Wow what a busy month August will be for me.
– For those that follow my newsletter I participated in the 30th Annual Mountain Arts Festival in Woodland Park, Colorado on August 1st & 2nd. I met some great people both customers and other artists. I’ve sent out my email to the drawing winner. 🙂

– I was asked to create some fused glass vanity and soap dishes for a hotel (with my 2 small kilns this is quite a feat)! I’ve got another request as well. So excited about making these pieces.

– Because of the commercial order I ordered a brand new kiln and have to make sure the electrical outlets etc are good to go.

– Of course with a commercial order guess what happened, that’s right my relay is going out on one of my kilns which is not fun. Luckily I’ve ordered it and it should be here next week. So that will be an adventure hooking it up!

– I have a flameworking class this month. Really looking forward to the class because my good friend is going with me!!

– I’ve also been watching some more webinar Wednesday classes! Very good info!!

– Also while i was at the festival I was approached about having some of my pieces in a Denver shop. I’m very happy to have someone appreciate my beautiful glass.

– I also started a new job so I have two training classes this month.

– Plus I need to write my blogs, August newsletter and figure out my “Did you know”.

Crazy busy. But I love it. BTW my daughter is back from camp and to say the least I’m so happy she’s home! I missed her so very much!!

I can’t believe it’s August already!!

Keeping my kiln warm,


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