Articles by: Karen

Birthstones, Blog

June's Fused Glass Alexandrite - Birthstone

June’s Fused Glass Alexandrite – Birthstone

                    My fused glass Alexandrite birthstone collection for June. I create three different versions the one on the left is green and red, and I’m sorry my photography doesn’t do any of them justice. These are Stunning! They are also transparent […]

by × June 8, 2014 × 0 comments

Blog, Fused Glass, Holiday Messages

Fused Glass for Father's Day

Fused Glass for Father’s Day

Fused Glass for Father’s Day – June 15th Father’s day is fast approaching so I thought I’d let ya’ll know what types of fused glass that would be perfect for fathers and men in general. Recently I posted a YouTube video about how fused glass isn’t just for women. I […]

by × June 5, 2014 × 0 comments

Art, Blog, Fresh from the Kiln, Fused Glass

May's Fresh From The Kiln - Fused Glass Pebble Tower

May’s Fresh From The Kiln – Fused Glass Pebble Tower

                        In April I took a fabulous fused glass master’s class with the one and only Tanya Veit. I will probably write quite a few blogs about this class because it was amazing, incredible, fantastic, outstanding, and so many […]

by × May 30, 2014 × 0 comments

Art, Blog, Fused Glass, Locations

Fused Glass Local Locations

My Fused Glass Local Locations, I have some sad and disappointing news and it’s taken me almost a month to write about it. For those of you who follow my fused glass newsletters and blogs know I have my fused glass in three local locations. That is until the end […]

by × May 28, 2014 × 0 comments


Fused Glass - Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere

Fused Glass – Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere

                        I wanted to explain something that some people even glass fusers do not know. It is about bubbles. Tiny champagne bubbles are a natural occurrence in fused glass. Bubbles occur when two or more layers of glass are […]

by × May 24, 2014 × 0 comments

Blog, Book Review

Fused Glass Book Review - Glass Fusing Book 1 – by Boyce Lundstrom

Fused Glass Book Review – Glass Fusing Book 1 – by Boyce Lundstrom

                        I love to learn about fused glass whether it is through classes, eBooks, or actual books, therefore, I thought I would write a few book reviews on the various Fused Glass books I’ve read. Please understand this is […]

by × May 21, 2014 × 0 comments

Blog, Holiday Messages

Patriotic Fused Glass for Memorial Day

Patriotic Fused Glass for Memorial Day

              May 26th 2014 I like the holidays and if you follow my blogs you know I have created fused glass for many holidays including Easter, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas. However for those of you who follow my blog you also know I’m retired […]

by × May 17, 2014 × 0 comments

Blog, Zodiac

Fused Glass Gemini

Fused Glass Gemini (Zodiac) pendants

                  According to Western Zodiac Gemini symbol is the twins. I have fused glass Gemini pendants that have different types of decals fused on top that will not scratch off.  Additionally, any fused glass pendant (or any other fused glass pendant) can […]

by × May 14, 2014 × 0 comments

Awareness Ribbons, Blog

Fused Glass May Awareness Ribbons

Fused Glass May Awareness Ribbons

                        Every month I’ve been letting ya’ll know what the Awareness Ribbons are for that particular month. There are several awareness causes and ribbons dedicated to the month of May and I have several Fused Glass May Awareness pieces […]

by × May 10, 2014 × 0 comments

Birthstones, Blog

Fused Glass May Birthstone - Emerald

Fused Glass May Birthstone – Emerald

                    May’s birthstone is the emerald. So in keeping with my theme of creating fused glass birthstones here is my Fused Glass May Birthstone, Emerald. I must tell you this picture doesn’t do the piece justice. the depth and sparkle are […]

by × May 7, 2014 × 0 comments

Art, Blog, Fused Glass, Holiday Messages

Fused Glass for Mother's Day

Fused Glass for Mother’s Day

This year Mother’s day is May 11th!  That’s correct, it’s right around the corner. So think about Fused Glass for Mother’s Day! Last year I made a YouTube video with a variety of possible fused glass for Mother’s Day, I just got finished watching it again and I must tell […]

by × May 4, 2014 × 0 comments


Fused Glass Poker Card Guard

Fused Glass Poker Card Guards

I’m sure ya’ll are wondering what the heck are Fused Glass Poker Card Guards.  My husband is an avid poker player and he asked me to make fused glass poker card guards for him and to sell.                         Well […]

by × April 30, 2014 × 0 comments

Art, Blog, Fresh from the Kiln

April's Fresh From The Kiln - Fused Glass Tree-man

April’s Fresh From The Kiln – Fused Glass Tree-man

So April is Earth month and in fact last week was earth day, so I thought I’d show you my new Fused Glass Art fresh from the kiln. It’s a man, no it’s a tree,  no it’s tree man. As I’ve mentioned several times pictures do not do fused glass […]

by × April 26, 2014 × 0 comments


20 Different Fused Glass Pendants

20 Different Fused Glass Pendants

Ok I’ve finally done it. I’ve added 20 different Fused Glass Pendants to my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen website. All of these Fused glass pendants are unique and handcrafted by me in my Colorado Springs home studio! So check them out, remember the camera doesn’t do fused glass justice. […]

by × April 24, 2014 × 0 comments