While we were in Westcliffe this month, we went to Willow Wind Farm. The owner and operator of Willow Wind Farm is Annie. She posted in Facebook about taking a tour of the farm, I quickly signed Dan and I up for the tour and I’m so glad I did. The two outer pictures are mine and the one in the middle is from Annie’s Website.

Annie took us to see the new kids – OMG what adorable animals and what a proud Momma. They were pretty shy, but I picked a couple of them up. I also loved how they danced a little. Annie said that’s very important to show that they are healthy. You could tell they really loved Annie too.

I so enjoyed holding these amazing little kids. They are so sweet. I really love petting and holding them.

She is also taking care of 3 newborns. She posted that they are doing ok. She works so much to take care of these precious animals.

Then we went to see the alpacas OMG they are adorable. Because they are so cute and cuddly, I assumed they were also affectionate. However, because everything is a predator to them, they are a bit shy and reserved. Of course, that doesn’t make them less adorable.

She also had two baby alpacas. Aren’t they so cute?

So, Annie has a rooster that runs the roost and watches out for the alpacas. He’s very handsome, and it was funny Annie opened the door (it’s not normally open) and the boy alpacas chased the rooster and then came out then went back in several times. It was so cute watching them run in and out of the barn.

If you look closely, you will also see two llamas. Annie said the llamas take care of the alpacas – like guard dogs. She also said they are actually more friendly than alpacas.

We also visited the male sheep. The fur was so soft and deep, I liked them quite a bit. Look at those beautiful horns and teeth.

I highly recommend visiting Annie and Willow Wind Farms. She runs it all by herself and it’s so much work. She’s a highly impressive and strong woman and she loves her animals and treats them so well. BTW in case you are curious, Annie’s alpacas and sheep are for fiber and the goats are for milk and cheese; she does not use any of her animals for meat. Annie is wonderful and a true font of information you won’t regret it.

If you’d like a tour please contact Annie for specifics, please do not just drop by, contact her and make an appointment.
If you would like to see more of my fused glass work, please refer to my website Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. If you get a chance, check out all my site and my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen YouTube. If you would like to stay abreast of what I’m up-to and learn a little more about fused glass, check out my newsletter. If you would like to take a class with me check out my class information. It is published the last day of each month.
Keeping my kilns warm,