I apologize for the updated Newsletter and event schedule. We had issues with our host and were told we need to resend the October newsletter. 

*We are having a class on 6 Nov so please let me know if you'd like to attend.


October 2022 Newsletter

In this edition:

- Upcoming Events:

• Home Shows - None Schedule 

• Craft Shows - Rampart HS - 19 Nov and Doherty HS 3-4 Dec

• Glass class - 6 Nov - See Post for details

• Posts * Elegant fused glass

2022 Christmas Craft Shows & Fused Glass Class

2022 Christmas Craft Shows & Fused Glass Class

First, I want to let y'all know I will NOT be at Liberty's craft show. For that show I have to set up, hold the show, and tear down in 1 day and that's just too much for me and my old body. Second, I will not have a home show in November. I am so busy I just can't …

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Flowers - Real and Fused

Flowers - Real and Fused

I love flowers. Earlier this month I made a fused glass flower wave for my friend who is retiring. I loved it and the extra one so much, I think they are just so pretty. So I made myself a flower wave. Isn't it pretty? I used the same glass as I did for the one above but I used …Read more.

Second Fused Glass Ornament Class

Second Fused Glass Ornament Class

I had a scheduled fused glass ornament class recently, however, I also hold private classes as long as there are 3 people in the class. Brenda, the person who encouraged me to give fused glass classes to begin with, asked for a private fused glass ornament class for her and her two friends. No experience is necessary for my fused …Read more.

Fused Glass Ornament Class

Fused Glass Ornament Class

I conducted a Fused Glass ornament class this month. I hope Chris, Julie, and Jeremy had as much fun as I did. The three of them also took a small dish class with me a few weeks ago and I showed them some sample ornaments and they signed up for this class right then. They had the option of Santa's, …Read more.

Santa and Snowman dishes

Santa and Snowman dishes

Last month I made some fused glass Santa and Snowman dishes. These 3 photos are my snowmen dishes, I think they are so cute. I really like adding the vitrigraph to the bottom. Snowmen dishes Snowmen dishes I also made some Santa dishes. I like them too, especially the beards. I like them better without the mouth. What do you …Read more.

A Goodbye Gift

A Goodbye Gift

I love sharing my love of glass with my friends. One of the people I've worked with for several years is retiring. He has always been friendly and helpful to me. During the pandemic he wrote me about how he was spending his time at his cottage in New Zealand. We talked about flowers and how beautiful New Zealand is …

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Commercial Fused Glass Dessert Dishes

Commercial Fused Glass Dessert Dishes

I received another commercial fused glass order recently. The order was for 25 fused glass dessert dishes. We talked it through, and she wanted a bowl / plate shape. I showed her a plain clear dish and one with texture, pictured below. Which do you think she chose? The texture of course. I just love these dishes; they are so …Read more.

Glaskolben Ornament Class at D&L with Tracy

Glaskolben Ornament Class at D&L with Tracy

Recently, I took a Glaskolben ornament class at D&L with my good friend Tracy. I took this class several years ago and to put it plainly - I sucked at it. The picture on the left are my ornaments from my first glaskolben class I took years ago - crap! The worst one from my recent class is on the …

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My Family Reunion

My Family Reunion

In 2019 before covid we had a fabulous family reunion. My mom is in a nursing facility, so we try to have them every two years at most. Here are some of my pictures. The far right are my brothers and sisters with my momma (7 out of 10 isn't too bad). my brother, sisters, and cousins cousins, sister, nieces, …Read more.


Did you know ...

This section is used to answer any questions you may have or to pass on tidbits of information that add value and enhance knowledge regarding fused glass, metals, or jewelry in general. Let me know if you have anything you'd like me to include.

This is a very different "Did You Know", I appreciate you reading it.  


A few months ago I was contacted by a wonderful lady who runs the non-profit organization combating social media exploitation (kids who send nudes) and sex trafficking - www.millionkids.org


The organization is creating a gallery called "I believe in You".

Opal, is a fellow glass artist and a certified law enforcement trainer, wondered if I could make some pendants that would say "I believe in You" for their gallery.  Please check out their website and support them as much as you can. 


I love children and I believe we need to do more to protect them from the disgusting people that are out there trying to harm them; needless to say my answer was a resounding yes. Here are some of the fused glass items I've created for them

First I created screens so I could make several pendants, magnets, pocket charms, etc. with "I believe in You" as well as their website https://millionkids.org


Then I created fused glass pendants with "I believe in You" as well as their website https://millionkids.org


Then I made some fused glass magnets with "I believe in You" as well as their website  https://millionkids.org


Then I made some fused glass pocket charms with "I believe in You" as well as their website https://millionkids.org


I also made some wooden ornaments with "I believe in You" as well as their website https://millionkids.org and added fused glass charms to them. 


I also created several small fused glass dishes with "I believe in You" as well as their website https://millionkids.org


Lastly I created a couple of fused glass art pieces with "I believe in You" as well as their website https://millionkids.org


If you would like to learn more about the organization is about they just released a new movie which you can see the trailer "Sextortion: the Hidden Pandemic" at sextortionfillm.com. It was filmed inside Homeland Security and has been edited and prepared for distribution to all the high schools and middle schools in the US. The film is also on iTunes. 

This is a vital cause, our children are so important.


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In addition to my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen website and YouTube.

For my class schedule click here and for my show schedule click here. 

You can contact my via email: elegantfusedglass@gmail.com

All Fused Glass photos and posts as well as my flame are copyrighted 2022.

Copyright Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. All rights Reserved.