
October 2021 Newsletter

In this edition:

- Upcoming Events & Sales!

- Posts * Elegant fused glass

- Did you know ...


I see this graphic in my fused glass groups constantly and it's so true. When you buy something from an artist - whether it's me or any other artist I've ever met it means so much to us. We love creating art and more importantly we love sharing our passion for our art.

Please remember that when you are shopping for presents this year.

I have 2 Art and Craft Shows in November - come and say hi!

- Liberty: 13 Nov

- Rampart: 20 Nov

- Doherty: Dec 4-5th

I will have different deals and of course a gift for you when you come to see me. 

Just say "Karen I get your newsletter". 

I don't want to forget those who aren't local, if you buy something from my site - not just the shop section but from the blogs and newsletters as well, just email me and I'll send you a gift as well.

Fused Glass Dot Jewelry

Fused Glass Dot Jewelry

I love fused glass jewelry. There are so many techniques and they are all beautiful. I've mentioned Tanya Veit many times, she's an immensely talented fused glass instructor. She did a video a couple months ago on what I'll call dot jewelry. I thought I'd do a quick post about some of my pieces. The ones on the left are …Read more.

Fused Glass Hummingbird

Fused Glass Hummingbird

I love hummingbirds, I find them beautiful and fascinating. So many memories of hummingbirds. The first year I was in Colorado Springs I went to a hummingbird festival and learned so much about them (like their tongue splits and wraps around it's brain). I also remember the first time I saw a hummingbird was when I was TDY to Panama. …Read more.

Gift of Hearts

Gift of Hearts

Last month I wrote a blog about selling some of my glass scrap. Well one of the people who bought some glass from me sent me a beautiful gift, actually she sent me 5. She sent me fused glass hearts that she makes. They are very beautiful and very large. She wire-wrapped 4 of them. Didn't she do a great …Read more.

An important symbol ";"

An important symbol ";"

One of the aspects of fused glass that I love is it's versatility. I make fused glass with various symbols including ribbons and puzzles in addition to the zodiac and Chinese symbols. But one that you may not know about is the semicolon - ; normally they are tattoos but I like making it as fused glass jewelry or I …Read more.

Westcliffe - Fall or Winter

Westcliffe - Fall or Winter

We went to Westcliffe this weekend, I wanted to share some of our trip in this post. I so love it when there is snow on the Sangre De Cristo mountains, It's funny we have a bit of a routine when we go to Westcliffe but we also try to do something different. This time we took a road we'd …Read more.

Fused Glass Ornaments

Fused Glass Ornaments

This post are about some new fused glass ornaments I just created. The technique and decals came from a fellow artist and I love them. They were inspired by stained glass. These are 3 fused glass "stained glass inspired" ornaments that are very transparent. The first two have dichroic glass and the third one is iridized glass. I also added …Read more.

Organic Fused Glass - Coral or Lace?

Organic Fused Glass - Coral or Lace?

There are several funny parts to this story about these fused glass pieces. First I made a dish years ago and used it as a napkin holder. And I loved it so much that I gave it to Sky for her new apartment. Below are pictures of it, in it's new home. Since I lost my napkin holder, I wanted …Read more.

Rocky Mountain Arsenal - Denver CO

Rocky Mountain Arsenal - Denver CO

For those who follow my post you know I live in Colorado and you know I love Colorado and I enjoy seeing parts of Colorado. Well this post is about a side trip we made this month since we were in Denver for the Meet The Artist at Tulip Gifts and Cards. Last year we visited the Wild Animal Sanctuary …Read more.

Meet the Artist at Tulip Gifts and Cards

Meet the Artist at Tulip Gifts and Cards

Last month I wrote about the meet the artist event at Tulip Gifts and Cards. It was a wonderful event! Sharon did a fabulous job hosting it. I love the way she displays my fused glass art as well as all the other amazing artists. Here are some photo's of her fantastic store. It's it beautiful! If you look closely …Read more.


Did you know ...

This section is used to answer any questions you may have or to pass on tidbits of information that add value and enhance knowledge regarding fused glass, metals, or jewelry in general. Let me know if you have anything you'd like me to include.

With my arts and craft shows coming up on Nov 13 & 20 and Dec 4-5, this DYK is about some of my beautiful fused glass. This is just a sample I also have stunning lanterns, dishes, and other art pieces.


Over the last year I've made a myriad of great fused glass pieces and I thought it would make it easier for you to review and let me know which you'd like me to bring to the shows. Just email me at elegantfusedglass@gmail.com.

Anyone that emails me before the Liberty show I'll have a extra gift for you.


My big fused glass flowers are difficult to bring to a show but I will bring 2 to my show. If you are interested in my flowers please email me and I'll show you the ones I have available.

I hesitate to bring my butterflies for two reasons. One they are a bit fragile but mainly because I love them and they are in my finishing room as inspiration and it's difficult to give them up.  I'll try to bring 3 with various options for stands. If you are interested please email me and I'll show you some options.

I made several types of home decor items. These fused glass votive lights are both beautiful and functional.

I also made various fused glass hanging pieces, including these hearts.

Here are some little fused glass Dino's I made. Aren't they adorable!

Wait until you see these casted hearts. They are very thick and have incredible depth.

I love my fused glass photo stands. I have several to choose from.

One of my favorite things are my mushrooms. They are so whimsical and fun.

I have several fused glass sculptures that stand on their own.

I also have several art sculptures that can be used in a stand or I can add a hanger for you - depending on your preference.

Here is another fused glass sculpture that fits beautifully in a stand.

I love this piece it's so unique and fun. Wait till you see it.


I made several new types of fused glass pendants. These scenic pendants are amazing.

These are fun pendants they are pressed and then I added screenprints.

Of course I'll bring a plethora of fused glass snaps. If you've bought snaps from me in the past please wear one to the show and you'll get a surprise.

These Fused Glass Flower pendants are so beautiful you'll have a difficult time choosing one. I also made some into magnets that make wonderful gifts for the women in your life.


I've also made pocket crosses and pocket hearts. If you are a police officer or nurse or EMT please let me know when you visit me.

My fused glass letter openers make perfect gifts for anyone.

My fused glass door knobs are perfect to dress up any dresser, desk, or cabinet. Remember I can make custom door knobs to match your decor.

I love my fused glass stirrers. They are fun and functional gifts for anyone.

Wait until you see these adorable recycled tiny containers/vases.

I'll have a couple of my Colorado ornaments and some of my new stained glass ornaments.

I went on a recycled bottle kick and made various recycled bottle items including candle shields, vases, and candles. I'll bring a few if you are interested please let me know and I'll show you what I have available.

I have a variety of fused glass business card holders. If you own your own business, please bring a business card with your name on it and you'll get a surprise.


Thank you for taking the time to read my latest updates.

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Have a Question? Please hit the reply button and ask away.

In addition to my Elegant Fused Glass by Karen website, I'm also on  Pinterest, YouTube, and Artfire.

You can also contact my via email: elegantfusedglass@gmail.com

All Fused Glass photos and posts as well as my flame are copyrighted 2021.

Copyright Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. All rights Reserved.