
March 2020 Newsletter

In this edition:

- Fresh From the Kiln

- Upcoming Events & Sales!

- March Blogs * Elegant fused glass

- Did you know ...


First, I want to send out encouragement to everyone worldwide, we will get through the coronavirus crisis together.

An update on my situation: I am very blessed and am teleworking from home. My daughter is home with us so that makes me happy. I've set a work schedule and in my downtime I'm trying to accomplish things I've been wanting to finish but never seem to have the time.

The other aspect I think is important is to stay in touch with your friends and family, which I'm doing. Another reason I love my blogs and newsletter.

Please take care of yourself and stay positive.

Love and prayers!


If you read my February newsletter you know I held my first fused glass home show this month (see my DYK below for specifics) and I want to personally thank those who came to my show. I had such a great time talking to each of you and getting your input on various topics. 



Two questions came out of my home show:


1st Should I hold home shows more often e.g., quarterly or semiannually?

2nd Would you like to attend a simple glass class in my home studio?

My Fused Glass Flower is Home

My Fused Glass Flower is Home

In February, I wrote a blog about my fused glass flowers. Jackie told me I should make more. So I did. I made 3; a red, mauve, and clear iridized. My problem was I couldn't decide which stamen to use, needless to say the center piece. So I had my 3 flowers out and let my customers help me decide …Read more.

*I forgot to mention, Jackie made some delicious banana bread, it was really difficult sharing the piece she gave me with my husband, I practically licked my bowl.

My fused glass at Tulip

My fused glass at Tulip

During my home show, Sharon, came down and took several fused glass pieces for her store. I love Sharon's store and I'm so glad she was able to come down and pick up some great pieces to take to Tulips in Denver, including: Small dishes,Nail files, Stirrers Small dishes, Soap dishes, Pocket vases, Photo stands She also picked up a custom aspen. It will …Read more.

Wood Artist

Wood Artist

I love talking about other artists, especially when they incorporate my fused glass in their work. Jody of Grandview Creations creates amazing wood art, including jewelry. He made several wood findings for me to incorporate my glass.  Here are two I used with my glass. They look great with my leather or with my other favorite snap necklaces. He also …Read more.

Custom Fused Glass Cake Center

Custom Fused Glass Cake Center

I so love to make something new and a challenge in fused glass. Recently I was asked to make a wedding cake topper. She wanted a north star with a dove. I was so excited because it’s something I’ve never made.  I must admit I broke the North Star pieces a couple of times but I finally got it and …Read more.

Westcliffe, Colorado

Westcliffe, Colorado

I’m so excited, last month I wrote about going to Westcliffe Colorado and looking for a piece of land for us to build on when we retire.  We went back this month to see where the surveyor marked the land (sadly he hadn't been there yet) but we walked around anyway and saw some deer. Additionally, I bought my husband …Read more.

Everything is prettier with glass added

Everything is prettier with glass added

I love adding glass to various things, essential oil holders, nail files, spoons, and anything else I can think of. I had two ceramic rice bowls I got while I was in Japan and thought they'd look even better with glass on top. What do you think? I also got a tea canister from Japan. I added another piece of …Read more.

*This ceramic piece I bought in Westcliffe, It looks fantastic with one of my glass dragonflies.

Artwork using my Fused Glass

Artwork using my Fused Glass

I love creating glass artwork that other artists can use in their art. I received an email a while back from Rebecca. She asked me for a fused glass donut. I made her two. I think they turned out great because I created the mold to meet her needs. Below are some of the donuts, but the amazing part isn't …Read more.

Preparing for my Fused Glass Home Show

Preparing for my Fused Glass Home Show

In preparation for my fused glass home show this month, I made several new functional pieces and thought I'd show them to you. First was fused glass stirrers. They make great gifts (add a box of tea or coffee etc.). They are made of all glass. This is a different style and is made with a rod or cane of …Read more.


Did you know ...

This section is used to answer any questions you may have or to pass on tidbits of information that add value and enhance knowledge regarding fused glass, metals, or jewelry in general. Let me know if you have anything you'd like me to include.

I held my first fused glass home show in 5 years on the 7th of March. I must admit I didn’t advertise it very well, but I had such a great time with my customers that came.  For this DYK, I wanted to talk about my home show and ask a couple of obvious questions. What do y’all think of me having a home show once a quarter? Obviously after the restrictions have been lifted. So my next one would maybe be in June. Let me know what y’all think?


The first thing I did when people arrived was to show them my fused glass displays, I had 3:


Then I showed them my finished room. As the name implies this room is where I store my finished fused glass. As I told all my guests, I don’t bring all my fused glass to shows so I said  they were free to look around in the finished room as well as my displays. Or they could tell me if they are looking for something specific and I would show them what I had available.


Then I took them downstairs and showed my finishing room. This is where I finish my fused glass pieces, mainly gluing and adding all types of findings including: bails, nightlight fixtures, etc. 

This is also the room where I store my findings, glass books, etc.

In my finishing rooms I also have my Air Force memorabilia as well as some of my glass work to inspire me.

* I read Marie Kondo's book and she said to display things, in your private rooms, that make you happy. I did this in all my rooms. I just love looking at my glass, pictures of my family, and my AF memorabilia.

Funny story, while I was showing Carla some of the things in my finishing room I have displayed and meant to remind me to finish them. I showed her some stands I bought from fellow artist that I need to paint/stain.  She saw the elephant stand and said she wanted it. I said no problem lets look for a piece of glass that will make it even better and then I can finish the stand for you.

We looked in the finishing room and the finished room and found this amazing hand-painted fused glass disk. It's just stunning, she liked it so much she didn't even want the stand finished.  It's just perfect!


I also asked each of my visitors to look at my new fused glass flowers and give me their advice regarding the centers. I liked them all and wanted someone else's input.

*BTW this wall will be filled with some more of my favorite glass pieces from my classes.

Here are a few of the center options for my flowers. But in actuality the center options can be any color you want.

We spent quite a bit of time on the centers switch them out and switching the stamens out, it was a lot of fun. *See the blog above regarding what we finally decided.


I also showed my actual studio and my equipment. I showed them two basic fused glass techniques: putting dichroic glass on top of a base glass and putting clear on top of dichroic glass.

*You can see I have a lot of pictures and glass on top of my shelves in my studio too.


Julie asked if I could match her shirt. So I got a casting mold and showed her how to make a fused glass cabochon. It was so fun showing her how to make casted glass.  They turned out pretty nice.


Once I know that people are interested in taking basic classes, we can discuss what types fused glass classes you’d like e.g., casting, basic pendants,  decals, or even a small dish.  

This picture shows some pendant possibilities i.e., dichroic, decals, or casting; however once I see the interest we can talk about the options more. Maybe even an assemble class (pendants,earrings, rings, etc.).  To be honest my mind is going crazy with the possibilities.


I also show some of my glass I’ve made in various classes. These are some of my favorite pieces. The top shelf has pieces I made with 3 amazing women glass artist: Shelly Long, Tanya Veit, Laurie Spray (the amazing flower in the middle is a piece I bought from Craig Smith). The other two shelves are also amazing pieces one of which is a piece from Mark Hufford.  BTW this is just some of my glass I have displayed.

Two more amazing pieces I made in a class with Amanda Taylor several years ago. Love these beautiful glass bowls. Every time I see them I think of my good friends; Melinda, Julie, and Pam and the blast that we had in Amanda's class. So much fun!


I also showed off some of the glass that I've collected all over the country. This particular piece came from the Czech Republic over 20 years ago.


Lastly everyone had chance to buy any fused glass they wanted, albeit they were not required to purchase anything.

I had so much fun spending time talking about glass and getting everyone’s input on my flowers. 

I never get tired of showing of how amazing and versatile fused glass is, so this was a lot of fun for me.


Thank you again, to all of my customers who came to my home show.  I so enjoyed spending time with you.  *I realized as I was going through my pictures I didn't have pictures of everyone that came by, shame on me, I'm so sorry.  I'm sure you know it's because I was having too much time talking with you!


Now, I have 2 questions for you:

1st - Should I hold home shows more often e.g., quarterly or semiannually?

2nd - Would attend a simple glass class in my home studio?


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In addition to my Fused Elegance and Elegant Fused Glass by Karen websites, I'm also on  Pinterest, YouTube, Etsy, and Artfire.

You can also contact my via email: elegantfusedglass@gmail.com

All Fused Glass photos and blogs as well as my flame are copyrighted 2020.

Copyright Elegant Fused Glass by Karen. All rights Reserved.